Technology buyers increase Enterprise Architecture spending

Based on the EA survey results from Gartner events in North America and Europe, analysts estimate that EA practitioners have a “final decision-making” influence on $331bn in worldwide enterprise IT spend and a “great deal of influence” on $774bn in worldwide enterprise IT spending.

Overall, EA practitioners have an influence that is either “final decision maker” or “great deal of influence” on $1.1tn in worldwide enterprise IT spending.

“Overwhelmingly we find EA practitioners focused on delivering on business value and strategic transformation,” said Philip Allega, managing vice president at Gartner. “Gone are the days of just ’doing EA’ with little value or impact. Some 68% of organisations surveyed stated that they are focusing their EA program on aligning business and IT strategies, delivering strategic business and IT value, or enabling major business transformation.

“This new generation of EA practitioners offers technology and service providers (TSPs) with an opportunity as well as a threat,” added Allega.

The survey revealed that 77% of respondents were either restarting or renewing EA efforts (18%), initiating EA for the first time (34%) or taking EA efforts to the next level (25%).

In organisations starting EA for the first time, EA practitioners have a significant influence on IT budget decisions, but significantly less have decision-making authority. These new and restarting organisations present an opportunity for TSPs to target a new generation of EA practitioners.

Image by HorstBursik, CC
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