Category Archives: 2012

Councils need ‘more sophisticated’ approach to commissioning

Local authorities need to collaborate more with providers, engage earlier, provide greater transparency and provide more clarity over EU procurement law to improve relationships, a report has advised.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, Local government, News, Public sector, Purchasing | Comments Off on Councils need ‘more sophisticated’ approach to commissioning

Weak economy hurts semiconductor sales

The market for semiconductors used in electronics, including music equipment and lighting, will fall by 2.3 per cent this year, but will bounce back in 2013.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, Home page picture story, News, Supply chain, Technology | Comments Off on Weak economy hurts semiconductor sales

Government gears up for greener energy buying

Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude has promised to take government energy purchasing “to a whole new level” with the ‘Energy for Growth’ range of initiatives.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Public sector, Purchasing, Sustainability | Comments Off on Government gears up for greener energy buying

News focus: Speculate to accumulate

Should you pin down long-term commodity deals now, hedge or hang on until later? Anna Reynolds asks the experts.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, News focus, Purchasing | Comments Off on News focus: Speculate to accumulate

Legal challenge calls interval on theatre revamp

The refurbishment of a 134-year-old Glasgow theatre has been delayed after the tendering process had to be restarted following a successful legal challenge from a firm of architects.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, Law, News, Purchasing | Comments Off on Legal challenge calls interval on theatre revamp

Contractual demand will reveal NHS patient safety failures

NHS organisations will be required to inform patients when mistakes have been made in care under a clause that will be included in contracts commissioned by GPs from April 2013.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Public sector, Purchasing | Comments Off on Contractual demand will reveal NHS patient safety failures

Debenhams seeking UK suppliers

“The fantastic support for the Queen’s Jubilee and the Olympics this year shows how passionate we all are about championing the best of British,” said Suzanne Harlow, group trading director at Debenhams.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, Supply chain, Sustainability | Comments Off on Debenhams seeking UK suppliers

Business travel buyers to maximise budgets in 2013

Instead of cutting budgets for the year ahead, travel buyers are focusing on cost control by renegotiating with suppliers and using travel management companies to get better returns on investment.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, Travel | Comments Off on Business travel buyers to maximise budgets in 2013

Rolls-Royce passes corruption concerns on to SFO

“I want to make it crystal clear that neither I nor the board will tolerate improper business conduct of any sort,” said CEO John Rishton.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, International, News, Purchasing, Risk & continuity, Supply chain | Comments Off on Rolls-Royce passes corruption concerns on to SFO

Barnet Council to outsource procurement to Capita

The authority has confirmed Capita as its preferred bidder for a £320 million, 10-year deal that will see corporate procurement, customer services, HR and IT outsourced to the provider from next year.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Outsourcing, Public sector, Purchasing | Comments Off on Barnet Council to outsource procurement to Capita