Category Archives: cat-news

Jet engine manufacturer boosts supplier numbers

Speaking to Bloomberg Anton Binder, MTU’s senior vice president commercial business said that between 2012 and 2016 sales of its engines are expected to grow by 60% and its commercial engine work will rise by 45%.

The demand for its engines is …

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Samsung keeps production in-house

Following an internal audit of its Chinese suppliers, Samsung found evidence of excessive overtime as well as fines for being late to work and has vowed to improve the situation.

Speaking to Reuters, Mok Jangkyun, who led the team of over 100 auditor…

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Kone revs up European procurement deal

Under the terms of the agreement, the French automotive company willl provide a full range of vehicles to Kone in several European countries for three years starting 2013.

According to Kone, it selected Renault for its wide product lineup including t…

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Hurricane Sandy slams brakes on US truck freight volumes

The American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted (SA) For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index decreased 3.8% in October following a fall of 0.4% in September.

ATA reported that October’s drop was the third consecutive totalling 4.7%….

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‘Mega Monday’ presents transport challenge for suppliers

Today is the busiest shopping day of the year, but with it comes logistical problems for online retail supply chains.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, Supply chain | Comments Off on ‘Mega Monday’ presents transport challenge for suppliers

UK manufacturing edges closer to stabilisation

Production rose for the first time in five months in November, but exports continued to deteriorate, with job cuts reported for the fourth month running.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, PMI reports, Purchasing, Resources | Comments Off on UK manufacturing edges closer to stabilisation

Fraud down across Africa

The number of incidents and money lost through fraud and corruption in Africa dropped over the second half of 2012; but the damage inflicted on governments has increased, according to the African Fraud Barometer.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, Risk & continuity, Southern Africa | Comments Off on Fraud down across Africa

Zara commits to toxic-free supply chain by 2020

The parent company of Zara and other brands will ensure its suppliers publicly disclose incidents of chemical releases in factories.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, Supply chain, Sustainability | Comments Off on Zara commits to toxic-free supply chain by 2020

US West Coast port strike threatens supply chains

Seven out of eight terminals at the Port of Los Angeles were closed yesterday according to Phillip Sanfield a spokesman for the port authority who spoke to Bloomberg. Meanwhile at the Port of Long Beach, three out of six are also shut following a stri…

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Mattel factory conditions worsening

The CLW released a report of its findings following an investigation of one factory owned directly by Mattel and three factories owned by suppliers. The investigators entered the factories as production workers and carried out interviews with other me…

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