Category Archives: International

New customers boost Ariba revenue

Spend management tech firm attributes the increase to new deals signed in the past three months.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, International, News, Purchasing, Technology | Comments Off on New customers boost Ariba revenue

Apple CEO promises to ”dig deeper” into supply chain issues

“What we will not do, and never have done, is stand still or turn a blind eye to problems in our supply chain,” Tim Cook told staff in an email.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, International, News, Purchasing, SRM, Supply chain | Comments Off on Apple CEO promises to ”dig deeper” into supply chain issues

Four purchasers found guilty in £66m corruption case

Southwark Crown Court finds four men conspired to receive payments from bidders in exchange for supplying insider information about contracts.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, Fraud & corruption, International, News, Purchasing | Comments Off on Four purchasers found guilty in £66m corruption case

Lorry road charges could push up haulage prices

The UK government has launched a consultation on whether to introduce a daily £10 charge for hauliers to use Britain’s roads.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, International, News, Purchasing, Supply chain | Comments Off on Lorry road charges could push up haulage prices

Brazil’s bottle redesign cuts carbon emissions at Diageo

Results of initiative will be shared across Smirnoff’s global team to “encourage others to go down the same route”.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, International, News, Purchasing, Supply chain, Sustainability | Comments Off on Brazil’s bottle redesign cuts carbon emissions at Diageo

EU’s Iranian oil ban unlikely to hurt buyers

As the European Union adopts an oil embargo against Iran due to its nuclear programme, analysts assure price impact will be miminal.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, Ed's choice international, International, News, Purchasing, Risk & continuity | Comments Off on EU’s Iranian oil ban unlikely to hurt buyers

CIOs name supply analytics as number one technology

Chief information officers may be forced back into ‘cost-cutting mode’, while senior executives expect technology to help them address tough economic conditions.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, International, News, Purchasing, Technology | Comments Off on CIOs name supply analytics as number one technology

Freight theft in the US hits record high

Ambiguity in the supply chain leads victims to “literally hand over cargo”.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, International, News, Purchasing, Risk & continuity | Comments Off on Freight theft in the US hits record high

Power management firm benefits from bringing logistics back in house

“Third parties don’t have the skin in the game,” supply chain management VP for Eaton, Les Ball explains the advantage of taking control.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, International, News, Outsourcing, Purchasing, Supply chain | Comments Off on Power management firm benefits from bringing logistics back in house

Collaborative fuel purchasing takes off at African airlines

Industry body AFRAA believes a joint purchasing deal will result in cheaper prices, better quality fuel and a more reliable supply for nine African carriers.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, International, News, Purchasing, Southern Africa | Comments Off on Collaborative fuel purchasing takes off at African airlines