Category Archives: International

Inefficient marketing spend costs firms £615 million

More than three quarters of buyers at Europe’s top 500 firms think their companies could buy marketing products and services more effectively.

Posted in 2011, cat-news, International, News, Purchasing | Comments Off on Inefficient marketing spend costs firms £615 million

CIPS Recruitment plans happy new year for job-seeking buyers

The new recruitment service will be launched in January to offer CIPS members specialist careers support.

Posted in 2011, Careers, cat-news, International, News, Purchasing | Comments Off on CIPS Recruitment plans happy new year for job-seeking buyers

CIPS Recruitment plans happy new year for job-seeking buyers

The new recruitment service will be launched in January to offer CIPS members specialist careers support.

Posted in 2011, Careers, cat-news, Home page top story, International, News, Purchasing | Comments Off on CIPS Recruitment plans happy new year for job-seeking buyers

BAA buyers fill in with colouring books

Procurement professionals helped out at Heathrow Airport to cover for striking public sector staff.

Posted in 2011, cat-news, Home page picture story, International, News, Purchasing, SRM, Supply chain | Comments Off on BAA buyers fill in with colouring books

Manufacturers up supplier numbers

90 per cent of companies increase or leave supplier numbers unchanged while the appetite for repatriating contracts.

Posted in 2011, cat-news, International, News, Purchasing, SRM, Supply chain | Comments Off on Manufacturers up supplier numbers

Prepare for wild commodity price swings

Companies warned to put a risk management strategy in place to cope with cost volatility.

Posted in 2011, cat-news, International, News, Purchasing, Supply chain | Comments Off on Prepare for wild commodity price swings

UK perceived more corrupt than Germany

The UK is trailing behind 15 other countries on the Corruption Perceptions Index 2011.

Posted in 2011, cat-news, Fraud & corruption, International, News, Risk & continuity, Southern Africa | Comments Off on UK perceived more corrupt than Germany

Hard disk drive maker forecasts more supply chain disruption

Severe flooding in Thailand has restricted the external component supply to Seagate Technology manufacturers.

Posted in 2011, cat-news, International, News, Risk & continuity, Supply chain | Comments Off on Hard disk drive maker forecasts more supply chain disruption

Marginal growth in South Africa PMI

South Africa’s Kagiso PMI showed marginal growth in November, with activity rising by 1.1 index points to 51.6.

Posted in 2011, cat-news, International, News, PMI reports, Purchasing, Resources, Southern Africa | Comments Off on Marginal growth in South Africa PMI

Australian buyers bullied into purchasing surplus and overpriced goods

Corruption and Crime Commission: “The problem was widespread across the state and local government sectors and was due to failing to adhere to policies and procedures.”

Posted in 2011, cat-news, International, News, Public sector, Purchasing, Risk & continuity | Comments Off on Australian buyers bullied into purchasing surplus and overpriced goods