Category Archives: News focus

Supply chain reactions

The uproar following the ‘horse burger’ scandal has shown how companies need to keep a close eye on suppliers, says Adam Leach.

Posted in 2013, cat-news, News, News focus, Purchasing, Supply chain | Comments Off on Supply chain reactions

News focus: Well-designed relationships

How can procurement work more closely with product design teams? Adam Leach talks to purchasers who enjoy successful partnerships.

Posted in 2013, cat-news, News, News focus, Purchasing, SRM | Comments Off on News focus: Well-designed relationships

News focus: Speculate to accumulate

Should you pin down long-term commodity deals now, hedge or hang on until later? Anna Reynolds asks the experts.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, News focus, Purchasing | Comments Off on News focus: Speculate to accumulate

News focus: Will a supplier ‘blacklist’ work?

The UK government is considering a blacklist of tax avoiders and poor-performing suppliers. Adam Leach looks at whether it is feasible.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, News focus, Purchasing, SRM | Comments Off on News focus: Will a supplier ‘blacklist’ work?

News focus: A shift in the power balance

Anna Reynolds looks at changes in the UK energy sector that aim to deliver a secure 
supply of clean, affordable electricity.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, News focus, Purchasing, Sustainability | Comments Off on News focus: A shift in the power balance

News focus: Farmers give milk buyers a creaming

Adam Leach looks at the action taken by dairy farmers and how they are redressing the long-term balance of power with big buyers.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, News focus, Purchasing, Supply chain | Comments Off on News focus: Farmers give milk buyers a creaming

News focus: No security assurance

Could the G4S Olympic security contract have been managed differently to better effect, and if so, how?, asks Adam Leach.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, News focus, Purchasing | Comments Off on News focus: No security assurance

News focus: School of thought

The Supply Chain Sustainability School is bringing together competitors in construction to teach good practice. Adam Leach looks at how this could be a template for other sectors to follow.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, Ed's choice supply chain, News, News focus, Supply chain, Sustainability | Comments Off on News focus: School of thought

News focus: Car suppliers lag behind

Anna Scott explores the challenges that the boost for UK car manufacturing has given its suppliers.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, News focus, Supply chain | Comments Off on News focus: Car suppliers lag behind

News focus: Mixing with marketing

Anna Scott finds out if the relationship between marketing and procurement has improved.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, News focus, Purchasing | Comments Off on News focus: Mixing with marketing