Category Archives: Public sector

Cameron calls on companies to back supply chain finance scheme

The prime minister will urge business leaders to follow the lead of Vodafone and Rolls-Royce in getting banks to release funds for suppliers by verifying invoices early.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Public sector, Purchasing, Supply chain | Comments Off on Cameron calls on companies to back supply chain finance scheme

DWP censured for ‘loose’ contract management

MP Margaret Hodge says a Department for Work and Pensions deal to provide medical assessments for benefit claimants “permits loopholes that can all too easily be exploited by contractors”.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Public sector, Purchasing | Comments Off on DWP censured for ‘loose’ contract management

DWP censured for ‘loose’ contract management

MP Margaret Hodge says a Department for Work and Pensions deal to provide medical assessments for benefit claimants “permits loopholes that can all too easily be exploited by contractors”.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, Home page top story, News, Public sector, Purchasing | Comments Off on DWP censured for ‘loose’ contract management

NI waste tender cancelled over legal fears

A public body tendering for waste services on behalf of councils in Northern Ireland has terminated the procurement process following a legal challenge.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Public sector, Purchasing | Comments Off on NI waste tender cancelled over legal fears

Treasury urged to provide ‘consistency’ in government spending

The National Audit Office has criticised the government’s current budgeting system for failing to encourage departments to work together to identify best value for money.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Public sector, Purchasing | Comments Off on Treasury urged to provide ‘consistency’ in government spending

Plymouth University collaborates to launch supply chain degree

The University has worked with Supply Solutions to develop a supply chain management degree to launch in January 2013.

Posted in 2012, Careers, cat-news, News, Public sector, Purchasing | Comments Off on Plymouth University collaborates to launch supply chain degree

Treasury ignores advice on major projects

A report by MPs has called for stronger links between the Treasury and Major Projects Authority, having “long been concerned” the body’s warnings have been ignored.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Public sector, Purchasing | Comments Off on Treasury ignores advice on major projects

Call for African governments to collaborate on procurement reform

Countries should work together and pool systems to develop more efficient and transparent public services, says the Commonwealth Public Procurement Network.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Public sector, Purchasing, Southern Africa | Comments Off on Call for African governments to collaborate on procurement reform

Herefordshire revamps buying strategy

The local authority has adopted a new commercial strategy and aims to become a ‘commissioning organisation’ to tackle the challenges it faces.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Public sector, Purchasing | Comments Off on Herefordshire revamps buying strategy

Scotland launches construction contracts review

The devolved government has commissioned a study into whether the public sector is getting value for money from its £2 billion construction spend.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Public sector, Purchasing | Comments Off on Scotland launches construction contracts review