Category Archives: Public sector

CBI urges police to free officers for front line by sharing back office functions

Forces should collaborate with councils and other emergency services on procurement and open up services to be performed by independent providers, a CBI report recommends.

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Value Wales wins civil service procurement award

The Welsh Government’s procurement team has won an award for best practice in public procurement for developing a community benefits policy, that has created more than 2,000 jobs.

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Boris Johnson’s chief of staff defends savings targets

Sir Edward Lister refutes the idea that saving £600 million by 2016 is too unambitious, but admits efforts now concentrate on limited areas.

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Penalties needed on health assessment contract, MPs told

The chief executive of Citizens Advice has called for additional penalties to be imposed on the contractor responsible for medical assessments for poor performance.

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Spend knowledge empowers government procurement

Data gathered over the past year has enabled the Government Procurement Service to identify savings it’s already made and opportunities for the future.

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Road maintenance deals to save £450 million

Transport for London and boroughs in the capital have jointly let four contracts that are expected to generate the savings.

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Buyers should negotiate hard for blood

The chief executive of NHS Blood & Transplant Lynda Hamlyn told an audience of NHS buyers that she welcomed tough negotiations from purchasers to boost performance.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Public sector, Purchasing | Comments Off on Buyers should negotiate hard for blood

Health director calls for procurement to be part of operations

Department of Health commercial director Peter Coates told health service buyers under operations the function would be more efficient and the role of finance should be to challenge procurement performance.

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Procurement chief urges NHS buyers to scrub up

“Heads of procurement and their senior buyers or category managers should get into scrubs occasionally and go down and attend a procedure or go into labs,” according to Tony Stanyard, head of procurement at Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Public sector, Purchasing | Comments Off on Procurement chief urges NHS buyers to scrub up

CPOs exceed savings in face of economic instability

Taking advantage of the weak and volatile economy, CPOs are using greater competition between vendors to deliver cost savings.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Public sector, Purchasing | Comments Off on CPOs exceed savings in face of economic instability