Category Archives: SM 100

More than a fifth of organisations cut buyers

Some 22 per cent of purchasers told SM their workplace has reduced staff numbers in the procurement function.

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Better stakeholder relations tops procurement priority for 2013

Nearly half of buyers have cited improved engagement with stakeholders as their key aim for the year ahead in an SM poll.

Posted in 2013, cat-news, News, SM 100, SRM, Supply chain | Comments Off on Better stakeholder relations tops procurement priority for 2013

Purchasers update Christmas gift policy to meet bribery law

An SM poll finds 53 per cent of buyers have updated their policy on receiving gifts from suppliers, following the introduction of the Bribery Act.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, SM 100 | Comments Off on Purchasers update Christmas gift policy to meet bribery law

Almost a third of buyers blacklist bad suppliers

“If we identify risk/poor performance we flag that supplier as ‘hold’. If we see ongoing concerns they will be moved to ‘exit’,” said one purchasing director.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, Risk & continuity, SM 100 | Comments Off on Almost a third of buyers blacklist bad suppliers

Power remains in the hands of purchasers

An SM poll finds 67 per cent of buyers do not believe suppliers are more powerful than five years ago.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, SM 100, SRM | Comments Off on Power remains in the hands of purchasers

Buyers receive career development support

More than three-quarters of buyers are happy with the support their bosses and organisations give them to further their career.

Posted in 2012, Careers, cat-news, News, Purchasing, SM 100 | Comments Off on Buyers receive career development support

Buyers support the use of RFPs

The latest SM100 poll finds the majority of purchasers do not believe the profession uses request for proposal too frequently.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, SM 100 | Comments Off on Buyers support the use of RFPs

Prompt payment a priority for most purchasers

84 per cent of buyers said ensuring suppliers are paid on time is a priority at their organisation.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, SM 100, SRM, Supply chain | Comments Off on Prompt payment a priority for most purchasers

Defining risk and responsibilities does not prevent them

SM’s latest poll of 100 purchasing specialists, found 66 per cent define risks and who is responsible for them in contracts, but most agreed this does not stop them from happening.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, Risk & continuity, SM 100 | Comments Off on Defining risk and responsibilities does not prevent them