Category Archives: SRM

Government accused of moving at ”snail’s pace”’ to find supermarket watchdog

Fiona Gooch, senior policy adviser at Traidcraft, said: “We urge the government to give the establishment of the adjudicator greater priority.”

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, SRM, Supply chain | Comments Off on Government accused of moving at ”snail’s pace”’ to find supermarket watchdog

Adidas turns Indian supplier performance around

Some 80 per cent of the sportswear’s suppliers in the country have reached the minimum standard of social compliance, compared with 80 per cent falling short of the target the year before.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, SRM, Sustainability | Comments Off on Adidas turns Indian supplier performance around

Labour peer states procurement wasn’t a priority before crash

Lord Andrew Adonis explains that those who weren’t interested in procurement when he was in office, now find it high on their agenda.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, Ed's choice public sector, News, Public sector, Purchasing, Risk & continuity, SRM | Comments Off on Labour peer states procurement wasn’t a priority before crash

Prompt payment a priority for most purchasers

84 per cent of buyers said ensuring suppliers are paid on time is a priority at their organisation.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, SM 100, SRM, Supply chain | Comments Off on Prompt payment a priority for most purchasers

Benefits of M&S sustainability go beyond the bottom line

The retailer’s work on sustainable procurement has boosted the company’s brand and future resilience, according to the firm’s climate change manager.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, SRM, Supply chain, Sustainability | Comments Off on Benefits of M&S sustainability go beyond the bottom line

Sustainability is not a stick to beat suppliers with

Buyers should promote the mutual benefits of corporate responsibility to drive engagement.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, SRM, Sustainability | Comments Off on Sustainability is not a stick to beat suppliers with

Recession speeds up TNT savings delivery

The impact of the financial crisis allowed the delivery company to identify savings opportunities by consolidating vendors and examining categories in great detail.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, SRM, Sustainability | Comments Off on Recession speeds up TNT savings delivery

’40/40/20′ approach cuts Shell consultancy spend

Employing this concept of where value is delivered to the business has reduced the cost of professional services to the oil and gas firm.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, SRM | Comments Off on ’40/40/20′ approach cuts Shell consultancy spend

Market conditions not the only outsourcing driver, buyers warned

While economic conditions may make outsourcing services appear attractive, it needs other enablers to make it successful, a panel of senior buyers believes.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Outsourcing, Purchasing, SRM | Comments Off on Market conditions not the only outsourcing driver, buyers warned

Don’t forget small suppliers in strategic sourcing

Organisations could make significant savings by ensuring small purchases go through contracted vendors, according to a CPO Agenda webinar.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, SRM, Supply chain | Comments Off on Don’t forget small suppliers in strategic sourcing