Category Archives: Supply chain

Water infrastructure needs steady stream of investment

Water regulator Ofwat says companies need to plan more effectively and work more closely with their supply chains to increase investment in the UK’s water infrastructure.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, Supply chain | Comments Off on Water infrastructure needs steady stream of investment

Samsung tops Asian supply chain ranking

The consumer electronics firm has been rated as the best in the region on a top 15 dominated by South Korean and Japanese companies.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Supply chain | Comments Off on Samsung tops Asian supply chain ranking

Significant fall in global piracy attacks

Reduction is attributed to tougher anti-piracy measures, significantly cutting attacks by Somali pirates around the Horn of Africa.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Southern Africa, Supply chain | Comments Off on Significant fall in global piracy attacks

Weak supply chain endangers British fruit and veg supply

Problems such as late payment, uncertainty over prices and a lack of commitment to production means the supply of certain British vegetables and fruit is ‘endangered’.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Supply chain, Sustainability | Comments Off on Weak supply chain endangers British fruit and veg supply

Milk processors cheesed off by price squeeze

With farmers’ prices high and retailers’ prices at a seven-year low, the profit margins of milk processors are under pressure.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Purchasing, Supply chain | Comments Off on Milk processors cheesed off by price squeeze

Collaboration needed to tackle resource scarcity says Clinton

Governments must cooperate and develop policies to share natural resources in the future, the former US president believes.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Supply chain | Comments Off on Collaboration needed to tackle resource scarcity says Clinton

Johnson & Johnson suppliers commit to cut emissions

Almost 80 per cent of the consumer goods company’s vendors have joined measurement and reporting scheme the Carbon Disclosure Project.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Supply chain, Sustainability | Comments Off on Johnson & Johnson suppliers commit to cut emissions

Infrastructure investment will push up energy bills

The £22 billion spend on upgrading gas and electricity networks will increase transmission charges paid though energy bills.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, Intro business change, News, Purchasing, Supply chain | Comments Off on Infrastructure investment will push up energy bills

Supply constraints will push up commodity costs

Prices of agricultural commodities will rise over the next decade due to limited availability, environmental pressures and rising oil prices.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, News, Risk & continuity, Supply chain, Sustainability | Comments Off on Supply constraints will push up commodity costs

News focus: School of thought

The Supply Chain Sustainability School is bringing together competitors in construction to teach good practice. Adam Leach looks at how this could be a template for other sectors to follow.

Posted in 2012, cat-news, Ed's choice supply chain, News, News focus, Supply chain, Sustainability | Comments Off on News focus: School of thought