Facility management spend to reach $96bn

The global IFM market it set to be worth $96bn by 2017, according to Frost & Sullivan. “The global IFM market is in growth mode, not just in the emerging markets but also in the more mature markets,” noted Frost & Sullivan Partner John Raspin.

“The [global] economic crisis has further heightened awareness about outsourcing in both private and public sectors in the more mature markets.”

He added that, despite high-growth rates, revenues generated by IFM in emerging markets like India and China remain comparatively small. This is because outsourcing is considered cost intense and the concept of integrated solutions remains little understood.

Frost & Sullivan believes that the more mature markets of North America and Europe will still account for more than two thirds of global IFM revenues in 2017. The demand for further cost savings and single contact solutions will continue to drive service integration in mature markets.

These trends are reinforced when synergies with other services can be demonstrated and cost savings achieved. Besides, the demand for value-add services, such as energy management, present IFM providers who have these capabilities with the opportunity to differentiate their service offering.

“Many leading FM players have enhanced their integrated offering capabilities and will continue to do so,” explained Raspin.

“The benefits of such a strategy become even more tangible as intensifying competition among suppliers highlights the need for greater differentiation.”

Image by Fisherss Zhang, CC Flickr.com
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