Targeted marketing spend eating into display budgets

With the declining effectiveness of CPM-based advertising, brand buyers will increasingly look for alternatives and targeted offers in addition to display advertising as a strategic part of the marketing mix, argues NimbleCommerce’s European director Peter Casey.

Despite questions over the future of some of the biggest daily deal providers, e-deals and offers are still “going strong” and have plenty of potential in the European market, he added.

“Publishers are already moving away from the time-limited, deep-discounted offers that have been labelled ‘daily deals’ in exchange for methodologies that are more sustainable. In 2013, we will see businesses move to an inventory of ’always on’ and ’on demand’, location-based offers,” according to Casey.

“Mobile and tablet technology still has huge potential for e-deals and offers, and businesses need to be equipped to interact with customers through these channels in 2013. One in nine of purchases made through the NimbleCommerce platform in 2012 happened on a desktop, but in 2013 we expect mobile and tablet purchasing to make up 40 %of all transactions.”

He went on to predict that, with the development of Apple’s Passbook and Google Wallet, the industry will see changes in the way customers redeem offers. These include a shift towards paperless, mobile redemption and card-linked offers, and next year it is forecast that at least 10% of offers will be redeemed this way.

In addition, card-linked mobile and digital wallet technology is opening the door to some unique loyalty schemes. Instead of one-off deals, publishers will opt to attract customers with clever loyalty programmes, providing offers based on individual behaviour and location.

Image by FinestFones, CC
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