Washington revs up $11m green trucking drive

These projects build on the steps the Obama Administration has taken to expand the transportation options available for businesses and communities and improve the fuel efficiency of vehicles in the market today and in the future.

“Building a clean and secure US transportation system that leverages our domestic energy sources will give American families, businesses and communities more options and reduce fuelling costs,” said US Energy Secretary Steven Chu. 

“At the same time, these projects will help lead the way to further reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil and protecting our nation’s air and water.”

Chu added that, through the Department of Energy’s Clean Cities initiative, these projects address a range of community infrastructure and training needs, such as providing safety and technical training for fleet operators, mechanics, first responders and code officials; streamlining permitting and procurement processes; and helping public and private fleets integrate petroleum reduction strategies into their operations.

He cited the example of the City of Austin, Texas, which has been selected for an award of $500,000 to streamline infrastructure procurement, conduct electric and natural gas vehicle safety training, host workshops to help fleet users in the San Antonio and Austin region.

In Kansas City, Missouri, the Metropolitan Energy Center will use a federal investment of approximately $815,000 in to support vocational training programmes for code officials and fleet managers – including managers at local colleges and technical schools – and will also establish a Green Fleet Technical Assistance and Certification program for the region.

Cumulatively, the US Energy Department is investing about $11m in these Clean Cities projects.

Image by Steve Coolimans, CC Flickr.com
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